All About Choruses

A Blend with Friendship is Our Creed

They came for the music and stayed for the friendship. As more and more women discover the joy of singing in a barbershop chorus, they find that the bonds that develop over a shared love of barbershop harmony can extend beyond the boundaries of age, occupation, race, etc. Women from 9 to 90 have formed bonds of friendship that last many, many years.

As members of Harmony, Inc., women are offered a chance to participate in the development of the chorus and Harmony, Inc. by volunteering at various levels within the chorus, at the area level, or at the international level. From music administration, performance planning, membership services, outreach programs, show production, quarteting, and directing, opportunities to contribute, grow, and develop abound.

Choruses are active in their communities by performing at various venues including musical shows, fundraising events, community outreach programs, social gatherings, holiday caroling, and very successful Singing Valentines programs.

On an annual basis, each chorus has an opportunity to join with other choruses in their respective areas at an Area Contest & Convention. Education workshops are available to give members an opportunity to polish their skills as well as time to socialize and sing with members from all over the area. Highlights are the Quartet Contest and Chorus Contest where qualifying quartets and choruses are eligible to participate in the International Contest where the top choruses will be recognized.

Come join our song!

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