Online Learning Resources

Welcome to our collection of tutorials, speeches, and classes given specifically to our Barbershop style. These videos are all publicly available on YouTube as well.

Harmony's HIVE is also available. The schedule of upcoming classes is found on the HIVE page here:

Music Category

The Music Category with Steve Tramack, David Wright, Kirk Young, and Kevin Keller.

In this master class style presentation, Music Category experts Steve Tramack, Dr. David Wright, Kirk Young, and Kevin Keller provide a deep dive discussion of the Music Category. The Alexandria Harmonizers, under the direction of Joe Cerutti, provide live examples.

Singing Category

The Singing Category with Jay Butterfield, Richard Lewellen, Tony Colosimo, Drew Wheaton, Matt Gifford, and Steve Scott

In this master class style presentation, Singing Category experts Jay Butterfield, Richard Lewellen, Tony Colosimo, Drew Wheaton, Matt Gifford, and Steve Scott provide a deep dive discussion of the Music Category.


Copyright 101 with Janice Bane (BHS Copyright & Licensing Manager) and Scott Harris (BHS Arranger & Repertoire Manager)

Please note that these instructions are for our American chapters. Canadian chapters and members have different rules when it comes to learning tracks. Please contact CMRRA for more information.

Grant Basics 101 with Ashley Torroll and Ashley Brown

In addition to briefly describing the BHS grant process, this class will aid you in creating more persuasive and descriptive answers to grant proposal questions to help enable exciting engagement with your communities.



The Power of Positive Coaching with Cindy Hansen-Ellis and Paul Ellinger

Positive communication in a coaching session can and will impact the singer, the performance, and the audience. Cindy and Paul will model coaching styles with both registered and pick up groups, and will show do’s and don’t that may not be on your radar based on gender, age, experience, or other issues that need to be navigated.

The Science of Riser Placement with Rob Mance and Steve Scott

Watch Rob Mance spend 90 minutes with a live chorus and talk about “stacking” the risers with several goals in mind. Learn how you can influence blend and pitch by where you put individuals and voice parts.

Directors...STOP TALKING! with Dr. Don Campbell and Kirk Young

Watch Dr. Don Campbell direct a group with limited verbal cues, while Kirk Young breaks down what just happened. Directors can communicate so much more by speaking less, and have wonderful, unintended results!

Director's Roundtable with Gary Steinkamp, Rob Mance and Steve Armstrong

Gary Steinkamp, Rob Mance and Steve Armstrong share ideas and strategies and investigate barriers and frustrations. Collectively, watch how participants develop a new network of peers and friends who want to see directors succeed and learn the most important thing of all.. you are not alone!



Vol. 1 with the Association of International Champions

Hang out with the champs as they share a rare behind-the-scenes look at what happens when you dedicate your life to this level of quartet singing. Fred Farrell leads a panel of gold medalists: Jay Hawkins, Hank Brandt, Mark Hale, Royce Ferguson, Mike Lawton, and Drayton Justus.


Dr. David Wright takes an in-depth look at the barbershop art form, its history, how it formed, and how it continues to evolve even today. Wright has been a mainstay every year at our Harmony University with his class History of Barbershop. His class combines many years of extensive research with his own experience with singing barbershop to craft a presentation that’s both entertaining and enlightening.

History of Barbershop ONLINE study Written resources

History of Barbershop ONLINE study Written test

Copyright © 2025 Harmony, Incorporated