Queens Travel Fund

The purpose of this fund is to help finance the travel expense of bringing any registered Harmony queens quartet to a chapter show, or chapter-sponsored youth event, or area educational event, or area-sponsored youth event.

All matters relative to the allocation of funds are handled by the Travel Fund Screening Committee, consisting of the Association of Harmony Queens Travel Fund Chairman, the Association of Harmony Queens Executive Committee (or their designees), and the International Vice President of Finance.

Show Criteria

Harmony chapters are eligible to receive reimbursement for actual travel costs and the cost of accommodation to a maximum of $1,500 US. Eligible costs include mileage, economy airfare, luggage handling, airport parking/shuttle, tolls, etc., and economy lodgings. Meals are not considered eligible expense unless the quartet is driving a long distance which requires a meal on the road in which case this meal would be considered a travel expense. The travel fund does not cover talent fees or other incidental expenses.

An application should be submitted as early as possible in advance of your show so that the availability of funds can be confirmed and set aside for you. It is the responsibility of the chapter to contact the queen quartet of their choice, cover the travel expense as agreed upon with the quartet, and then submit receipts to the Travel Fund Chairman for reimbursement from the travel fund.

Educational Events Criteria

(Including Area Educational Events and HITS & AC&C)

  • All four members of the quartet must participate to some degree – conducting classes, coaching quartets/ choruses/individuals, doing warm-ups, etc.
  • For an area event, each area is eligible to apply once per calendar year for a youth or educational event but not both. The event can be an annual education day or AC&C. The application must be approved by the Area Director before it is submitted.
  • The area must fund the venture themselves and then submit documentation of actual travel costs as outlined under Show Criteria, and accommodation for reimbursement (Maximum of $1,500 US)
  • Funding applies to active queens quartets only, not individual Queens.
  • A current Travel Fund Application must be submitted. No deadline date is applicable. Funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Organizers should contact the quartet of their choice to determine availability before applying for funding.

Youth Events Criteria

  • The maximum amount reimbursed for a youth event is actual travel expense (as described under Chapter Shows) and accommodation, up to $1500 US total.
  • Event must be Harmony Inc sponsored and involve a minimum of 20 youth participants.
  • A chapter-organized youth event must be open to and involve other Harmony Inc. chapters and areas.
  • The quartet must be primary teaching clinicians as opposed to chaperones or administrators of the event.
  • A Chapter may apply once per calendar year for a youth event or chapter show but not both
  • An Area may apply once per calendar year (application must be approved by the Area Director) for a youth event or educational event but not both.
  • The hostess chapter or area is responsible for subsidizing the expense and submitting receipts to the Travel Fund Chair for reimbursement.

If you have any questions, please email the Association of Harmony Queens Travel Fund Chair.

CLICK HERE for the Association of Harmony Queens Travel Fund Application.

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